3 Day Diet

Posted by Martin | 9:41 AM

Now this diet plan must have been developed by an ice cream lover. Now I am all for ice cream, but this diet insists that you eat one cup of ice cream at dinner time, and one half cup the other two days. It does tell you to use a specific brand. The main thing the 3 day diet says is you will lose up to forty pounds in a month if you follow the menu for three days and then resume eating the way you did before.This doesn’t sound like a diet that is capable of contributing to weight loss. The menu on the first day starts with breakfast then on to lunch and then dinner. Now this diet says you have to eat exactly what it says. This won’t be a problem if you like cantaloupe, beets, tuna, broccoli, eggs, crackers, cheese bananas, apples, toast and coffee. You have to drink plenty of water during the day also.

This 3 day diet plan says you will lose ten pounds in three days if you follow this for three days before resuming a normal eating habit. Then after four days, go back to the 3 day diet program again for another ten pound weight loss. Repeat this for one month and it says you will lose up to forty pounds.

I don’t think you’ll find yourself starving with this plan, but a streak or hamburger will be out of the question for three days. When you go back to a normal eating routine, you should not over indulge yourself. Now this plan doesn’t say anything about exercise but you may need to tone your body a little after losing that amount of weight.

There is as much negativity to this diet as well as positive comments. To think that a diet of this type could account for ten pounds of weight loss a week, by dieting three days and normal eating for four days is a little hard to believe. On the other hand if the foods are healthy enough to speed up your metabolism, it may just be possible to achieve success.

Because everyone is different, it may work for some people and it may not work for others. The decision can only be made if you decide to try the 3 day diet plan and see result s or not. The choice whether you can accomplish this or not will come from you.

Snoring Problem

Posted by Martin | 8:24 AM

If you snore regularly, it is time to seriously consider an effective method that will help ease your breathing. According to research study undertaken by Geoge Institure for International Health in Sydney, Australia, regular snoring is linked to higher risks of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which doubles the chances of stroke and increased risks of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Apnea is found more pronounced among obese and those leading rather sedentary lifestyle. In severe instances, the problem could also lead to a sudden heart attack or death in sleep.

Regular snoring may indicate symptoms of OSA, and mostly occurs in older adults above 40 years of age. In these cases, breathing is obstructed for a few minutes. When breathing ceases briefly like that, the brain reacts by pulling the sleeper out of deep sleep and puts him into lighter sleep. That way, he gets no sleep quality even if he sleeps for eight hours straight. As the result, they can suffer from daytime fatigue.

The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association has conducted a research and found 15 million who snores in the UK and an overwhelming 97% of spouses who were disturbed by their regularly snoring. The study also found that the majority of their partners averaged only three to five hour's sleep per night! As the result of sleep deprivation, they suffered headaches, nausea, gastro-intestinal problems, irritability and even heart palpitations.

Here's how to check if you are a mouth snorer by trying out the following exercise :

Open your mouth and make a snoring noise, then close your mouth and try to make the same noise. If you can only snore with your mouth open or snoring is reduced when you close your mouth, chances are that you are a mouth snorer.

To reduce or eliminate the snoring, close your mouth and breathe with your nose during sleep. But as you grow older, it becomes inevitable that face and neck muscles become weaker, causing your mouth to naturally drop open when you sleep.

Be brave to consult to your doctor if you are facing snoring problem before snoring problem getting worst and cause the disturbe to your sleep hours. Stop the snoring problem from Today and onward ...live in a healthy lifestyle without snoring...

Improve your own sleep and your partner's...be a successful person and own a healthy lifestyle.

Below website you may visit to gain more benefits :

【神經與精神疾病】 Mental & Neurology's Diaseases
‧頭痛 (Headache) http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro1.html
‧失眠 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro2.html
‧健忘 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro3.html
‧恐懼症 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro4.html
‧憂鬱症 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro5.html
‧情緒焦慮 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro6.html
‧暈車、暈船及暈機 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/neuro7.html

【血液循環與內分泌疾病】Blood Sydroms & Diaseases
‧高血壓 (Hepertension)http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood1.html
‧低血壓 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood2.html
‧靜脈曲張 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood3.html
‧瘀血 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood4.html
‧脂肪過量 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood5.html
‧糖尿病 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood6.html
‧痛風 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood7.html
‧腎結石 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood8.html
‧膽固醇過高 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/blood9.html

【呼吸系統疾病】Respiratory & Breath Diaseases
‧感冒 (Flu) http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/breath1.html
‧流行性感冒 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/breath2.html
‧支氣管炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/breath3.html
‧氣喘病 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/breath4.html

【消化系統疾病】Digestion Diaseases
‧打嗝 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion1.html
‧噁心 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion2.html
‧嘔吐 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion3.html
‧脹氣 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion4.html
‧乳糖不耐症 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion5.html
‧腸胃潰瘍 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion7.html
‧胃灼熱 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion8.html
‧食物中毒 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion9.html
‧便秘 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion10.html
‧下痢 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion11.html
‧水土不服的腹瀉 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion12.html
‧痔瘡 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/digestion13.html

【婦科與泌尿系統疾病】Ladies Diaseases
‧經前症候群 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women1.html
‧經痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women2.html
‧停經 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women3.html
‧害喜 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women4.html
‧尿失禁 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women6.html
‧尿床 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women7.html
‧膀胱感染 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women8.html
‧陽萎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/women9.html

【眼、耳、鼻、喉科疾病】Eye,Ears,Nose,Throat Diaseases
‧黑眼圈 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye1.html
‧眼睛疲勞 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye2.html
‧眼佈血絲 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye3.html
‧結膜炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye4.html
‧夜盲症 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye5.html
‧耳垢 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye6.html
‧耳痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye7.html
‧耳朵感染 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye8.html
‧中耳炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye9.html
‧打鼾 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye10.html
‧流鼻血 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye11.html
‧鼻竇炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye12.html
‧喉嚨痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye13.html
‧喉炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/eye14.html

【口腔、牙齒疾病】Mouth Diaseases
‧口臭 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth1.html
‧唇皰疹 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth2.html
‧磨牙 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth3.html
‧牙痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth4.html
‧齒齦發炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth5.html
‧齒石和齒垢 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth6.html
‧牙齒的斑漬 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth7.html
‧假牙的問題 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/teeth8.html

【頭髮與皮膚疾病】Hair & Skin's Diaseases
‧頭皮屑 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair1.html
‧頭髮乾澀 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair2.html
‧油性頭髮 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair3.html
‧皺紋 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair4.html
‧粉刺 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair5.html
‧水皰 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair6.html
‧曬傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair7.html
‧磨傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair8.html
‧割傷及擦傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair9.html
‧燒傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair10.html
‧凍瘡 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair11.html
‧嘴唇乾裂 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair12.html
‧乾裂的手 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair13.html
‧油性皮膚 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair14.html
‧皮膚乾澀及冬季皮膚癢 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair15.html
‧皮膚炎及濕疹 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair16.html
‧尿布疹 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair17.html
‧蕁麻疹 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair18.html
‧帶狀皰疹 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair19.html
‧疣 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair20.html
‧癤 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair21.html
‧雞眼與厚繭 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair22.html
‧疤痕的問題 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair23.html
‧脂肪堆積 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair2 4.html >
‧香港腳 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair25.html
‧腳臭 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair26.html
‧昆蟲及動物咬傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair27.html
‧昆蟲螯傷 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair28.html
‧肉刺 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/hair29.html

【肌肉及骨骼疾病】Bones Relate Diaseases
‧肌肉痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle1.html
‧肌腱炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle2.html
‧指甲內生 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle3.html
‧頸部痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle4.html
‧背痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle5.html
‧手腕痛症候群 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle6.html
‧關節炎 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle7.html
‧骨質疏鬆症 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle8.html
‧膝蓋痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle9.html
‧腳痛 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle10.html
‧培養優良的姿勢 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/muscle11.html

【其他影響全身的疾病】Othes Types of diaseases
‧過敏 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other1.html
‧疲勞 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other2.html
‧發燒 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other3.html
‧中暑 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other4.html
‧宿醉 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other5.html
‧體臭 http://www.webhospital.org.tw/home/myself/other6.html

Healthy Juices

Posted by Martin | 8:11 AM


Live in pressure working environment and busy life always caused human careless about their healthy. For whom willing and dare to try own a good healthy lifestyle through self making of healthy juices, Recommend below are the secret recipes for healthy drinking...

* Carrot + Ginger + Apple = Boost and cleanse our system.

* Apple + Cucumber + Celery = Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol and improve stomach
upset and headache.

* Tomato + Carrot + Apple = Improves skin complexion and bad breath.

* Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk = Prevent bad-breath and reduce internal body heat.

* Orange + Ginger + Cucumber = Improves skin texture and moisture and reduce body

* Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon = To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and

* Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi = To improve skin complexion.

* Pear & Banana = To regulate sugar content.

* Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango = Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased
blood pressure and Fight oxidization!

* Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk = Rich in Vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that
increases cell activity and Strengthen body immunity.

* Papaya + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and

* Banana + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in Vitamin with nutritious and prevent

Be a successful person and own a healthy lifestyle through your own hand ! Try it for 3 months and do share your comment and findings.

Change Your Lifestyle for a Healthier Life

Ever wondered if you are heart-healthy or just steps away from a heart attack?

Heart disease is the world’s number 1 killer, claiming 17.5 millions lives each year.

Here is how you can do it:

1. Eat varied and balanced diet 摄取多样而均衡的食物

A heart-healthy diet is one that emphasizes on foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are high in fiber content and others that are low in fats, sugar and salt.

Increase the amount of fiber in your diet.

Soluble fiber has been proven to lower bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Foods that contain soluble fiber include oats, barley, some whole-grain breads, legume, fruits and vegetables.

Cut down on fats of all kinds. Limit foods that are high in cholesterol.

They include prawns, crabs, oysters, squids, egg yolk and offal and saturated fats that tend to increase your bad cholesterol.

Also avoid trans-fatty acids, which are regularly found in commercially prepared baked foods, margarine, snack foods and processed foods.

Increase consumption of unsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol.
They include plant oils (olive, peanut, corn, soy, sunflower), vegetables, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts) and fish like salmon and tuna.

2. Maintain healthy body weight 维持健康的体重

Work up a sweat at least 30 minutes a day as a routine.

If you’re overweight or obese, the first order of business is to lose the excess body weight.

In this case, you’ll need to eat less and exercise at least 60 minutes on most days of the week.

3. Rest and relax 休憩和松弛

Stress and anger can affect you in many ways.

For one thing, you’re too busy to eat regularly and even when you do eat, you’re careless with your food choices.

You have little time for physical activity, hardly get a break and may even turn to caffeine, nicotine or alcohol to de-stress.

Always reserve some time each day to rest namely doing nothing and ensure that you have a good night’s sleep.

4. No to cigarettes and alcohols 远离香烟和酒精

Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow and reduces blood supply to the vital organs.

If you’re a smoker, quit today.

Get your family’s support and ask a doctor for advice.

Keep alcohol intake to the absolute minimum

5. Visit your doctor regularly 定期看医生
Regular medical examinations can detect and treat early cases of diabetes and heart disease.

Therefore, go for a check-up at least once a year.

The doctor will check your body weight, measure your waist circumference, blood pressure and do a blood test to ascertain your blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels.


Excess oil and calorie that accumulates in the body will make us a few pounds heavier after attending any of function or celebration festive season. Hence, a healthy diet during the period is essential.

1. A balanced Diet

The meat and vegetables we take in each meal must be in good balance, but we should always prioritize the vegetables. Avoid oily foods and go for those with lighter tastes and are less oily. Don't forget to take plenty of fruits for optimum healthy and nutrition. Sufficient intake of water in addition to a balance diet is also essential.

2. Don't eat Excessively

Don't try to stuff too much food into your stomach at one time. Among the different types of food, cereals are indispensable. Take more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fibers, and vitamins to help the peristaltic movements in the bowels while expediting the excretion of toxic waste materials.
Alway eat only 80% full can help to last longer our life for extra 20%.

3. Regular rest

Due to long holidays during the festive season, many people tend to relax and sleep a little too late, and this will disrupt our regular biological clock, and very soon, our digestive system will also be affected, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort and constipation, among others. Old people , in particular, must always maintain regular and sufficient rest during the festive season.

Live your success and healthy lifestyle from Today.

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