Snoring Problem

Posted by Martin | 8:24 AM

If you snore regularly, it is time to seriously consider an effective method that will help ease your breathing. According to research study undertaken by Geoge Institure for International Health in Sydney, Australia, regular snoring is linked to higher risks of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which doubles the chances of stroke and increased risks of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Apnea is found more pronounced among obese and those leading rather sedentary lifestyle. In severe instances, the problem could also lead to a sudden heart attack or death in sleep.

Regular snoring may indicate symptoms of OSA, and mostly occurs in older adults above 40 years of age. In these cases, breathing is obstructed for a few minutes. When breathing ceases briefly like that, the brain reacts by pulling the sleeper out of deep sleep and puts him into lighter sleep. That way, he gets no sleep quality even if he sleeps for eight hours straight. As the result, they can suffer from daytime fatigue.

The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association has conducted a research and found 15 million who snores in the UK and an overwhelming 97% of spouses who were disturbed by their regularly snoring. The study also found that the majority of their partners averaged only three to five hour's sleep per night! As the result of sleep deprivation, they suffered headaches, nausea, gastro-intestinal problems, irritability and even heart palpitations.

Here's how to check if you are a mouth snorer by trying out the following exercise :

Open your mouth and make a snoring noise, then close your mouth and try to make the same noise. If you can only snore with your mouth open or snoring is reduced when you close your mouth, chances are that you are a mouth snorer.

To reduce or eliminate the snoring, close your mouth and breathe with your nose during sleep. But as you grow older, it becomes inevitable that face and neck muscles become weaker, causing your mouth to naturally drop open when you sleep.

Be brave to consult to your doctor if you are facing snoring problem before snoring problem getting worst and cause the disturbe to your sleep hours. Stop the snoring problem from Today and onward in a healthy lifestyle without snoring...

Improve your own sleep and your partner' a successful person and own a healthy lifestyle.

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