Baby's Diet

Posted by Martin | 3:38 AM

Hey, Mum, are you ready for your babies to start eating solid foods ? Do you know that you should watching your baby's diet !
Introducing solide foods to babies too early may cause them to struggle with obesity later in life.
New research from the University of Buffalo in the United States shows that letting children eat food high in carbohydrates or cereals and juices before their bodies are ready for them can create a change in body chemistry. More than that, it can reprogramme their metabolism and carry this on to their kids as well.

When we take babies off milk and formula too early, their bodies tend to overproduce insulin and that causes weight gain. It can also lead to other health problems, like type 2 diabetes, which can become hereditary.
It's best for mothers to breastfeed their babies until they're sure that they're ready for solid foods. Four to six months is a good rule of thumb but check with your physician to be safe. Nothing is gained by rushing your baby's diet.
So, do take a short time to understand your baby's behavior and do breastfeed to your babies.

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