葡萄特别适合 " 懒惰 " 的人吃,因为最健康的吃法是 " 不剥皮、不吐籽 "。葡萄皮和葡萄籽比葡萄肉更有营养。红葡萄酒之所以比白葡萄酒拥有更好的保健功效,就是因为它连皮一起酿造。而法国波尔多大学的研究人员也发现,葡萄籽中含量丰富的增强免疫、延缓衰老物质 opc ,进入人体后有 85% 被吸收利用。

Grapes particularly suited to the "lazy" people eat, because most health counseling is "not skinned, and not spit seeds." Grape skin and grape seed more than grapes meat nutrition. Red wine is better than white wine with the health effects, together with the shell because it is brewing. And the University of Bordeaux, France, researchers also found that grape seed, rich content enhanced immunization, delay ageing material opc, 85% were absorbed into the
human body after use.

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