Healthy Fruit - Apple 苹果

Posted by Martin | 4:22 AM

每天吃少量的苹果就能预防多种疾病,还让人有饱腹感,不愧是水果中最务实的。美国癌症研究中心特别建议人们常吃苹果来预防癌症,因为其中含量丰富的 phytochemical 天然抗氧化剂能够有效消除自由基,降低癌症发生率。

Eat small apple a day can prevent a variety of illnesses, also made a full belly flu, and is indeed the most practical fruit. American Cancer Research Center Special Recommendations to prevent cancer is something Apple, which phytochemical content rich natural antioxidants can effectively eliminate stress and reduce the incidence of cancer.

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