Healthy Fruit - Lei 梨

Posted by Martin | 4:37 AM

梨是令人生机勃勃、精力十足的水果。它水分充足,富含维生素 a b c d e 和微量元素碘,能维持细胞组织的健康状态,帮助器官排毒、净化,还能软化血管,促使血液将更多的钙质运送到骨骼。但吃梨时一定要细嚼慢咽才能较好的吸收。

Lei is a dynamic, full of energy fruit. It moisture adequate concentrations of vitamin a, b, c, d, e and trace elements iodine, to maintain the health of cells organizations to help organ detoxification, purification, can soften blood vessels, promoting increased blood delivered to the body during pregnancy skeleton. Cook, but must Xijuemanyan can better absorb.

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